Digital Marketing Opportunities
Build Your Brand, Drive Traffic and Generate Sales Leads
Construction Executive helps advertisers connect with the industry’s largest audience of contracting decision-makers in a variety of targeted digital environments across multiple devices. Drives Results for Digital Advertisers
CE’s website,, features fresh content posted daily, with 50-75 new articles driving readers to the site each month. It’s mobile-friendly with a searchable archive and easily shareable stories.
Content is offered in the following categories:
Statistics for as of Nov. 2022
Advertising Options on

ROS ads are served across all CE website categories and article pages, providing a broad impact for your marketing message. This is the perfect opportunity for advertisers with product offerings and services that can apply to customers in many different roles throughout the construction industry.
Up to four ads may be served in rotation in all ROS positions.

BILLBOARD | 970×250 | 20% | $2,000 |
MEDIUM RECTANGLE | 300×250 | 25% | 1,000 |
SUPER LEADERBOARD | 9700×90 | 25% | 1,000 |
Reach CE website visitors when they are reading articles related to your areas of interest.
These targeted ads are served only on website pages in your choice of categories:
Business • Technology • Safety • Risk • Workforce • Equipment • Legal & Regulatory • Markets • Culture

WIDE SKYSCRAPER | 300×600 | 50% | $750 |
MEDIUM RECTANGLE | 300×250 | 50% | 500 |
Advertisers receive 50% of all ad impressions in your selected content category. Three different ad sizes and positions are available in each category.

CE’s Eblast Campaigns
Reach more than 25,000 subscribers with only your marketing message.

$3,500 |
Single-sponsor eblasts deliver immediate results, driving readers to your landing pages. Eblasts are great for product launches and major updates, new ebooks and whitepapers, upcoming webinars and anything else demanding an instant reaction from our subscribers.
• A/B and Multi-Variant Testing
Test up to four variations of your message, using different subject lines, email messages or both.
• Suppression Lists
Suppress emails of customers, competitors and opt outs by email or domain.
• Statistics
Detailed comparative statistics.
• Remarketing
Even if you don’t capture the lead, you can use the traffic gained from eBlasts to broaden your reach with your own remarketing solutions.
• Offer Unique Promotions
Promoting special offers and/or discounts to only CE digital subscribers is an excellent way to attract attention and make your message stand out. HTML design services are available for an additional fee.
Eblast statistics as of Dec. 2021

CE Professional Education Webinar Series
Attract decision-makers, promote your brand, interact with an engaged audience and receive highly qualified leads with CE’s Professional Education Webinar Series.
Webinars Receive Extensive Promotion:
• Ads in the magazine before and after the webinar
• Promotion in our weekly newsletter, CE This Week
• Multiple, direct emails to CE’s digital audience of more than 30,000 subscribers
• Continued social media promotion from the day the webinar registration page is live until minutes before it starts
• Your name and logo used throughout the promotion, reaching CE’s combined audience of 150,000
• Branded reminder emails to ensure registrants don’t miss the live event with the chance for a Q&A with your speakers
• Optional follow-up emails to attendees sharing the slides, recording and additional links to resources of your choosing

Full Webinar Package: $12,000
How It Works:
• Choose up to five questions to ask leads on your webinar registration form
• Provide handouts during the webinar, or share links to white papers behind lead capture forms
• Use polls during the webinar to gather additional information about attendees and keep your audience engaged
• Survey attendees after the webinar to gather feedback
• We provide a full report that includes all of the information given by leads
Webinars are covered by additional Terms of Service, found here.

CE Digital Edition Email
Whenever a new issue of the magazine is published, CE sends an email to 32,000+ digital edition subscribers. CE offers two ad banner, plus one featured content in each digital edition email announcement, published 9x a year (Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Aug., Oct., Nov., Dec.)
A 970×250 (displayed as 640×165) banner ad with link. Top and middle placements available.
Includes a large 1280×800 image, headline, optional subtitle, one paragraph of text, and link.
Materials are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication date. Send materials with link to

CE’s Sponsored Content
Sponsored content provides an opportunity to speak directly to CE’s audience in a native format, providing high-quality, branded content to help contractors solve business problems. Sponsored content is held to CE’s high editorial standards and will be professionally edited.
Newsletter-Only Sponsored Content
Is your message too text heavy for a banner ad? Sponsored content published in the CE This Week newsletter Includes a large-format image, headline, text block and weblink.
• Attractive Alternative to Banners
• Quick and Easy Specs
• Native Advertising
Web + Newsletter Sponsored Content
Looking for long-term thought leadership and SEO growth? CE will publish your sponsored content article on in the category and promote it in one of the CE This Week newsletter. Your sponsored content article remains online until you tell us to take it down.
Each sponsored content article is promoted in one issue of CE This Week.
• Long-lasting value
• Article of any length
• Publication on CE website + CE newsletter

Social Media Blasts
With more than 71,000 followers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, social media blasts are an inexpensive way to organically reach CE’s audience on their favorite social platform.
Provide materials for each network separately, or one message for all three. Include images to add visual interest, along with web links and hashtags. See the full specs.