CE This Week Display Ad Specs

For sponsored content, go here.


All ads are due two weeks prior to their run date, which can also be found on your Insertion Order. Due dates and extensions are reflected on your digital stats dashboard.

If you are in need of an extension, please alert digital-ad@magazinexperts.com with an estimated completion date and we will try to accommodate you.


Please send all ads or questions to digital-ads@magazinexperts.com

Ads should be provided as one of the following. Recommended file sizes take into account that readers may, at least occasionally, be on remote jobsites with 3G or otherwise poor internet connections.

We cannot accept iframe, javascript, or HTML5 ads, both locally server or third party. We cannot accept any click or jump tags that require a cookie.

Ad Size (Length X width) Ad Size Name Ad Type File Types Recommended (Polite) File Size Soft Max File Size Notes
580×400 Netboard Static JPG/PNG 105k 150k URL or click tag required. Clicks tags must not rely on cookies + JPG/PNG or direct URL to remote image. Pixel trackers accepted*.
580×400 Netboard Animated GIF 105k 150k URL or click tag required. Clicks tags must not rely on cookies + JPG/PNG or direct URL to remote image.
First frame of gif should have meaningful content – Outlook will only show the first frame
970×250 (Will be displayed at 728×188) Leaderboard Static JPG/PNG 105k 150k URL or click tag required. Clicks tags must not rely on cookies + JPG/PNG or direct URL to remote image.
970×250 (Will be displayed at 728×188) Leaderboard Animated GIF 105k 150k URL or click tag required. Clicks tags must not rely on cookies + JPG/PNG or direct URL to remote image.
First frame of gif should have meaningful content – Outlook will only show the first frame

*  Pixel trackers should NOT have a click URL and will be loaded through a separate ad zone in our ad server – depending on the viewer’s email client and browser settings, pixel trackers may be blocked, while ads are not, or vice versa.


CE This Week has 12,000+ subscribers at any given moment. People can subscribe or unsubscribe freely. Bad emails are removed automatically on a rolling basis and periodic list clean up removed inactive subscribers.


Statistics are provided in near real-time through CE‘s Digital Stats Dashboard. A CSV export is available from there.  Metrics include:

  • Sent, Delivered, Opens and Open Rates for the issue
  • Ads units will include impressions and clicks
  • Sponsored Content will include pageviews

All ads run from midnight of the Wednesday before the newsletter, to the end of Tuesday after the newsletter goes out. Archived and previously sent newsletter, always show and link to the current set of ads.

If you need statistics provided in a certain format or form, broken down in more detail, or provided more than once, after the ad is finished running, you must alert us before your IO is signed.


Proofs of an a newsletter, section, or ad cannot be send to advertisers before the issue is online.

Proofs of display ads Sponsored Content pieces will receive a proof.

Advertisers may confirm which ad and link is being used on the Digital Stats Dashboard.

If you need the link to your dashboard, email digital-ad@magazinexperts.com.

Additional Notes

The full version of each issue will be preserved as a screenshot of the entire issue, here, also available in your digital stats dashboard

For questions, statistics extensions or materials, please reach out to Michael Ruth and his team at digital-ads@magazinexperts.com
Delivery Rate
All Time Open Rate