Social Media Blasts

General Information: Construction Executive (CE) Social Media Blasts

Social media blasts are an inexpensive way to reach CE‘s audience on their platform of choice using organic reach on X, Facebook and Linkedin.


All materials are due 2 weeks before the launch date unless otherwise stated. Occasionally deadlines may be earlier to work around holidays and industry events. See the “Materials Due” date on your Ad Insertion Order.

If you are in need of an extension, please alert with an estimated completion date and we will try to accommodate you, or work with you to reschedule your posts.

Material Specifications

Please rely on current best practices, rather than our guide, whenever possible.

You may provide materials for each site separately, or one message for all three social media networks. Materials are due to CE two weeks before the launch date, and are subject to approval by CE‘s editors.
Note: there are limitations to what we can post, as we rely on rescheduled posts through a third party service, Hootsuite. Both their limitations, and those of social media networks are subject to change with limited notice.

Note: Social media posts may not appear to have any endorsement or partnership of Construction Executive, and may not be in first person voice.

  • X:
    • CE is currently subscribed to X Blue. We do still recommend keeping close to the 280 character limit. Each link will take up 23 characters (using X’s regardless of original length or outside URL shorteners used.
    • You may also include on of the following
      • Up to 4 images (jpg/png)
      • 1 animated gif.
      • Videos may be included, while not including images. Videos may be hosted in a compatible video platform, like YouTube, or provided as an MP4 file.
    • Images do not count against the character count.
  • Facebook:
    • Facebook can share a variety of media, including images and video. Limitations of text and a number of images etc, are beyond what most users will actually use.
    • If including a video, it must be at exactly 16:9 aspect ratio. We would recommend this be provided as full HD (1920×1080). Embedded/linked videos can be as size.
  • Linkedin:
    • Any URLS in linkedin posts must include “https://” or “http://” or other protocol handlers, such as “ftp://”.
    • Please note: Linkedin may truncate text and hide it behind a “…see more” link. For best results, keep the most important part of your message in the first 200 characters.

Best Practices

  • Use a unique, relevant and previously used hashtag or two, but don’t overload posts with hashtags. Hashtags should help a user search our additional related content. Hashtags are used to help our audience find more content on your topic as well as help extend the reach of your social media blast beyond our audience. Great use of hashtags may include using the hashtags for trade shows, conferences, major announcements or interest areas in the construction industry. Using #Construction by itself is not recommended.
  • Schedule social media blasts between 12-5 ET which is business hours for all timezones
  • Retweet, Share and Like CE‘s post to reach you own social media presence utilizing CE‘s brand.
  • Provide a tracking link – we recommend using a branded short URL, but UTM tracking tags on a link will work. We do not recommend using doubleclick links as they may be blocked by ad blockers, preventing the reader from reaching your site.


Statistics will only be provided, upon request,  a minimum of 5 business days after the launch. If you have a specific format you require statistics to be reported, you must provide it along with your materials.
Statistics will include:

  • Links to the publicly available post on each site.
  • Impressions/views/reach as provided by each platform
  • Number of link clicks
  • Number and breakdown of shares/retweets
  • A tally of likes/favorites/saves as available from each platform
  • A per platform engagement rate of all content-engagements (Does not include clicks/follows on CE‘s profile, or similar actions)

If you need statistics provided in a certain format or form or requires additional information, you must alert us before your first sponsored content insertion.

Other Important Notes

  • Social Media blasts are limited to one per day total from CE’s accounts from all advertisers.
  • Screenshots will not be provided for social media blasts, as these are public, however, you may take your own at any time.
  • CE‘s social media audience may have duplication across all platform
  • Proofs will only be provided for paid social media blasts, if major changes are required. Minor edits such as capitalization or adjusting commas, will not trigger a proof.
  • No personal or demographic information can be provided
  • Please be aware of platform restrictions including those for third party apps. No social network currently allows native scheduling of posts, so CE uses third-party apps to schedule social media blasts.