Webinar Terms of Service

The following Terms of Service applies to “Single Sponsor” / “CE Professional Education Series” webinars as an addendum to the Publisher’s Advertising TOS.

  1. Construction Executive’s single sponsor webinars offer turnkey promotion for educational webinars. The Publisher does not produce the content of these webinars.
  2. CE webinars use GoToWebinar, which requires a presenter to share their screen to present the slides.
  3. All webinar materials including a final speakers list, including contact information and biography as well as the presentation slides must be provided ten (10) days in advance of the live event for review and approval from the Publisher. A final slide deck must be provided three business days prior to the webinar. Content that does not comply with the Publisher’s TOS may be rejected.
  4. All images of construction jobsites must depict a safe jobsite. See ABC Safety Standards Regarding Ad Materials for best practices and a list of the most common reasons that images are rejected for safety concerns. Photos will be submitted to ABC’s internal workforce safety team for review; any photos that do not adhere to ABC safety standards will be rejected.
  5. CE webinars provide an hour-long live format to educate commercial construction general and specialty contractors. Content must be primarily educational in nature. Self-promotion should be limited to brief remarks at the beginning and end of the webinar, as well as post-webinar follow-up emails and surveys. Copy for the webinar registration landing pages and promotion from CE must reflect the educational nature of the webinar.
  6. Webinars may not mention unions in any form—including union contractors, reports, etc.
  7. Webinars should avoid mentioning the names of competing construction publications.
  8. The CE and ABC logos and names may not be used without prior approval in the slide deck, promotional materials or in any manner whatsoever that implies an endorsement by or partnership with Construction Executive or Associated Builders and Contractors.
  9. Contractor speakers must be pre-approved by the Publisher, so please bear this in mind when selecting speakers. CE does not recommend sponsors enter into any agreements with webinar speakers until they have been vetted and approved by the Publisher. A good rule for selecting speakers that will resonate with CE’s audience is to use U.S.-based commercial contractors who are versed in merit-shop construction and/or who are members in good standing of Associated Builders and Contractors.
  10. Webinars may not contain product or service demonstrations or sales pitches, or otherwise be in any way self-promotional. Use of short (1-2 minute) demos or live screen-sharing for the purpose of demonstrating a point previously made in a generic manner must be approved prior to the live webinar.
  11. CE makes no guarantee on the total number of registrations.
  12. Once the topic for a single-sponsor webinar is approved, the title cannot be changed and the educational webinar is expected to be in line with the original topic provided.
  13. Poll quantity and content must be approved in advance of the webinar, no later than the scheduled webinar rehearsal date. All polls will be conducted using the GoToWebinar polling feature. The GoToWebinar chat function is reserved for Q&A usage only.
  14. Contact info for all speakers, moderators and support staff must be provided no later than one month prior to the scheduled webinar date.
  15. The slides used during the rehearsal must be the slides/presentation used during the live webinar. No substantive changes may be made in the interim between the webinar rehearsal and the live webinar.
  16. Profanity, political commentary and/or aggressive debate with attendees is strictly prohibited and could result in termination of the webinar.

Should these Terms and Conditions be violated at any point,       CE reserves the right to cancel or terminate current and/or future webinars.

The Publisher reserves the right to update or amend these Webinar Terms and Conditions at any time, for any reason, without notice to the Advertiser.